The whole world knows the history of India, if an Indian tells his history to the foreigners, then all the foreigners laugh a lot and make jokes. The whole world knows the history of India, yet 95% of the people of India are kept in the dark. Because if the true story of India comes to the fore, then the atrocities committed by Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas on all sections of the society will come to the fore, and the people of the country knowing the truth of the so-called religion called Hindu Hinduism. will refuse to accept it. No Indian will believe in Hinduism, the supremacy of Brahmins in the society will end.
Many people do not know that there were never gods nor demons in India. All these are plain lies, which were written by the Brahmins for their own benefit, and even today the Brahmin class is making fool of every section of the society of India through all these things. If common man puts emphasis on his mind and thinks, then the whole truth comes out. Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas came to India in 3200 years before Christ. Today this thing has been proved by science. But Brahmins, Rajputs and Vaishyas are so clever that they do not want to share the history and information proved by science with other people of India. Because if the people of India came to know about this information, then the people of India would get out of the country by proving Brahmins, Rajputs and Vaishyas to be anti-national, tyrannical and irreligious. Even today Brahmins have formed many organizations like Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, Durga Vahini, Shiv Sena and Bharatiya Janata Party so that the people of India do not know the truth. Thousands of religious leaders have been kept, who keep in the dark by telling lies, hypocrisy and lies to the people of India, why keep them? So that 95% of the people of India do not know the true history of India. And those 95% people should not leave India by calling Brahmins as traitors and the supremacy of Brahmins should not end in India.
This is the beginning of the true history of India, so it is very important to throw light on some things here. So that people know a little that what did the Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas do as soon as they came to India, due to which their supremacy was established on India:
(1) Rudras (Buddhists) used to rule in India 3200 years before Christ. A foreign race came to India with the aim of attacking and plundering the country. That caste came here from Moru, who were called "Mogals". The Moru region, north of the Black Sea, was called Eurasia. These Eurasian people were later called "Dev" in the past and today gold. Eurasian people came here for the purpose of attacking India. But in India at that time there was a Gana system, which was not a matter of the Eurashins to overcome, that is, to win. There were many wars between the indigenous people of India and the Eurasian Aryans. Which has been written in the history of India and in the Vedas and Puranas as Sur-Asura Sangram. The governance system of India was the best system of governance in the world. Which was called Gana system and even today most of the countries of the world have adopted this system. After 3200 BC, there were many wars between the Eurasians and the natives, in which the Eurasian Aryans had to face defeat.
(2) Thousands of researches have been done on the subject of history in India in the last several years. In which it is very important to mention some researches here. Like Sanskrit language research, millions of words of Sanskrit language are found from the language of Russia. So it is proved here also that Brahmin is Eurasian. That's why even today the language of these people meets the people of Russia. In course of time, the existence of these people in Eurasia disappeared, so the way back to their country for the Eurasians who came to India was also closed and the Eurasian people were forced to stay in India. The Eurasians had to stay in India under compulsion and today the Eurasians have become a part of India, which are called Swarna (Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishya) in today's time.
(3) People who came from Eurasia in 3200 BC had fair skin color, eyes were light in color and their skull was elongated. This fact that gold has come from Eurasia was proved by the famous researcher Michael Bamshad in 2001 by testing the DNA of people of all castes of India at the University of Washington. In the DNA test it was clear that 99.90% of Brahmins, 99.88% of Kshatriyas and 99.86% of Vaishyas, respectively, match with Eurasian people. The DNA of all other caste people mixes only with the people of India.
(4) When the Eurasians came to India, these invaders used to take drugs. Which was later called "Somers" and today liquor. Eurasian people used to drink somers at that time, they called themselves "sur" and their society "sur samaj". Eurasian people came to India from cold regions, these people used to drink, so these people started calling themselves Devs and their society as Dev Samaj in order to win diplomatically over India.
(5) The people of India used to be scholars of a very high order. This is known by studying about the republic. The system which has been adopted by every country of the world today, and under which the government governs India. The same system existed in India even before 3200 BC. There was only one ruler of the whole country. Who was called Ganadhipati. Under the Ganadhipati there was a Ganadhish and under the Ganadhish there were various enumerators who looked after or handled the administration in the local areas. This arrangement was exactly like that. Like today the President of India, then the Prime Minister and the Chief Ministers of different states under the Prime Minister. Later on India was ruled by Rudras. There were a total of 11 Rudras in India who ruled India till 3200 years after Christ. All the Rudras were called the emperors of India and even today you must be aware that from Shiva to Shankar, all the Rudras are decorated with words like Devadhidev, Nagraj, Asurapati. Rudras ruled over the indigenous people of India who were called Nagvanshi at that time. This is known from studying about the Rudras mentioned in the "Vedas and Puranas". Even today the eleven Rudras of the eleven are shown to be adorned with serpents. No caste system was prevalent among the Nagavanshis. This shows how civilized, well educated and well governed the people of India were. This period was called the "Golden Age" of India and India had the distinction of being a Vishwa Guru.
(6) Who were the Asuras? This is also a very important question. Because the description of Asuras comes in many religious texts of India. But this thing has not been proved till date whether there were demons or not, if they were, then what were they said? And where is that Asur today? To get the answer of this question, we have to study the Vedas and Puranas. Even today, especially if we study the "Shiva Mahapuran", everything becomes clear about the Asuras. Asuradhipati is also called Rudra. From Shiva to Shankar, all the Rudras are called Asuradhipatis. Even today, Rudras are called untouchables or Shudra deities due to their being asuradhipatis. Any brahmin enters temples only after taking bath after Rudra Puja, or worships other deities by sprinkling Ganga water etc. on his body. The people of Nagvanshi used to be dark or black in color and the Nagvanshi did not drink alcohol. Even today, you will find written in the Vedas and Puranas that snakes drink milk, none of the serpents used to consume “Sura” i.e. alcohol. That is, the original inhabitants of India were later called Asuras and today the same Nagvanshis are called Shudras.
(7) The Eurasians gained the power of India through Indian diplomacy and made the first three important rules, due to which even today Brahmins are considered to be the best in the whole society.
The Eurasians were the first to establish the varna system (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra), that is, the Eurasians were of fair complexion, so they gave themselves a superior status. The people of India were dark and black in appearance, so the original inhabitants were made lowly (Shudra).
The indigenous people of India were divided into 3000 castes on the basis of place and color in 400 BC or before. The Vedas and Puranas were the basis, which the Eurasians wrote in Sanskrit. The native people of India did not have the knowledge of Sanskrit, so whatever Eurasian spoke at that time was accepted by the natives of India as true. Any native king who opposed the caste system was abolished by the Eurasians in deceit or direct wars. Whose description is found in all the Vedas and Puranas in the form of sur-asura battles. Lakhs of natives were put to death, later on the same caste system was divided into 7500 sub-castes of 3000 castes.
Under this system, the Eurasians imposed a complete ban on the reading and writing of the people of India. That's why the all-wise Mulnivasi said, "Be educated, be united, fight".
Posted on 16th Aug 2022