In this post we are going to know about precious thoughts of Gautam Buddha that might change the life of person.
1. "It is better to conquer yourself than to win thousands of battles in life. Then the victory will always be yours, no one can snatch it from you."
2. "Do not exaggerate what you have, nor be jealous of others. One who is jealous of others does not get peace of mind."
3. "It is Good than mistaking thousands of words in anger, silence is a word that brings peace to life."
4. "Happiness is not about having too much of it. Happiness is about giving too much to others"
5. "More important than reaching any objective or goal in life is to complete that journey well."
6. "The mind is everything, you become what you think."
7. "Every day is a new day no matter how difficult yesterday was. You can always make a fresh start."
8. "Evil never ends with evil. Hatred can only be eliminated by love, it is an unbreakable truth."
9."Health is the greatest gift, satisfaction is the greatest asset and loyalty is the best relationship."
10. "If you light a lamp for someone else, it will illuminate your path as well."
11. "Do not get lost in dreams of the future and do not get entangled in the past, just concentrate on the present. This is the right way to be happy in life."
12. "Just as a solid rock does not move with the wind, similarly a wise person is not distracted by praise or accusations."
13. "If a person is able to see a great happiness by giving up some rest, then a sensible person should leave a little rest and achieve great happiness."
14. "Do not exaggerate what you have, nor envy others. One who is jealous of others does not get peace of mind."
15. "You become what you think. Come attract what you feel. You create what you imagine."
16. "Read as many good books as you want in life, listen to any number of good words, but until you adopt them in your life it will not be of any use."
17. "A sensible person removes the deficiencies inside him in the same way that a goldsmith removes silver impurities by picking, bit by bit, and repeating this process over and over again."
18. "An insidious and evil friend should be feared more than a wild animal, because the animal can only harm your body, but a bad friend can damage your intelligence."
19. " If a person speaks or acts with a pious mind, happiness follows him like an outgoing shadow."
20. " Confidence nourishes you in the journey of life, good works are like a house, knowledge is like daylight and alertness gives you protection. If man lives a pure life, then nothing can destroy him."
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Posted on 14th Sep 2022