Some important information related to the life of Mother Teresa

By Manoj Bhiva | Posted on 20th Feb 2021 | Trending
Mother Teresa

If these phrases told by Mother Teresa were to be assimilated in this afternoon, then man would truly understand the meaning of life very well. She was someone with a unique charm in her personality. Mother Teresa possessed such qualities as simple temper, giving in to poor service, and always a soft smile on her face. Although she was born into an Albanian family on August 26, 1910, she was Indian at heart. When his footsteps struck India in 1929, he never came back. After that, I always stayed here. Come find out some of the special things about his life that many people are still ignorant of.

The saree used to be darned

Several biographies have been written of Mother Teresa, a Nobel Prize winner. Several secrets related to his lifestyle were revealed. One of his biographies states that Mother Teresa's saree was nowhere torn, but it was tidy. In order not to look torn. However, this is not because there is any burden on them. Teresa said this was under her rule. According to their judgment, they only had three husbands. One for daily use, one for washing and one for special occasions.

An expert at telling jokes

It was the ever-present smile on Mother Teresa's face that made her different from the others. Upon seeing his smile, the tension of benevolence was disappearing. Several of his close friends say that his nature was not always as calm as the Saints. She used to tell jokes a few times in a funny way to make the atmosphere happy. Often she would listen to some funny things, put her hands on the waist and double down on her giggles and giggles. He believed that I could not take the sad face of the poor. I must go to them with a happy face.

You didn't drink a drop of water

It is said that Mother Teresa, whether rich or poor, did not taste food in anyone's house nor did she drink a drop of water. The reason for this is that she said, "When we go to the poor, they find it difficult to drink a cup of tea or a cold drink. So we have set a rule that we do not drink even a drop of water." Their food consisted of simple foods like khichdi and lentils. She spent most of her time in Kolkata, so she used to eat fish once every 20 days. Fish is the primary food for lactite. Apart from this, chocolate was also his favorite.

A private connection connected to us

Very few people know that aside from Kolkata, Teresa also has a special relationship with Patna in Bihar. It is said that he received medical training at the Holy Family Hospital in Patna in 1948 before serving the poor. During this time she lived in a room as small as a basement. That room is still alive in Patna. And people have kept it as a sign of Mother Teresa. After training from Patna, she left for Kolkata. As the Christ of the poor, he dedicated his entire life to their service. In 1980, he was also awarded the country's highest honor, Bharat Ratna.

Manoj Bhiva
Manoj Bhiva
Manoj Bhiva is a dedicated writer who loves to write on any subject. Manoj Bhiva maintains a similar hold on politics, entertainment, health, abroad articles. Manoj Bhiva has total experience of 3 years in web and Social. Manoj Bhiva works as a writer in Wordict Post.
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