If you want to quit smoking addiction, start some measures from today

By Manoj Bhiva | Posted on 1st Apr 2021 | Health
Quit smoking addiction

Smoking is very harmful for the body, due to excessive smoking, there are other serious diseases including cancer, heart, and sometimes even the person's life is lost. In such a situation, everyone wants to get rid of this addiction. But many times a person is not able to give up this habit even after wanting it. Today we will tell you some remedies for this. Through which you can gradually make a distance from smoking.

Drink plenty of water

Water works to flush out the toxins present in the body. Therefore, drink plenty of water. One glass of water should be drunk about 15 minutes before the meal. Its metabolic rate remains under control and the person's smoking habit also starts to disappear.

Drink hot water

Smoking is like an addiction, which is not easy to quit. But if the person is determined in his mind, he can leave. Therefore, one teaspoon of honey should be consumed daily in lukewarm water. This helps in getting rid of cigarette addiction quickly.

Eat radish

To stay away from smoking, you should consume radish. Eating mixed radish with honey will not remind you of smoking.

Chew liquorice

If you want to quit smoking immediately. So whenever you miss smoking, liquorice must be chewed.

Eat oats

Oats are very beneficial in removing toxins from the body. It is very beneficial for health. Therefore, oats should be included in your diet. Similarly ginseng reduces cortisol levels in the body and increases energy. Due to which there is no desire to smoke cigarettes. Therefore ginseng should be used.

Use cayenne pepper

When you have an extreme desire for smoking, drink a pinch of red chili powder in a glass of water. This will give you immediate relief and no desire for smoking. But add chili as much as you can drink.

Manoj Bhiva
Manoj Bhiva
Manoj Bhiva is a dedicated writer who loves to write on any subject. Manoj Bhiva maintains a similar hold on politics, entertainment, health, abroad articles. Manoj Bhiva has total experience of 3 years in web and Social. Manoj Bhiva works as a writer in Wordict Post.
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