Friends, in this article of Wordictpost, today we are going to talk about Ambedkarism, its ideology, nature and scope.
Today, whatever you see, it seems that people called himself an Ambedkarite, but do they know what Ambedkarism is? Somebody will probably find it very difficult to know what really Ambedkarism is?
Let's find out, Basically, Ambedkarism ideology does not believe in any religion, caste, orthodoxy, superstition, and ignorance of any kind of discrimination or apartheid. Ambedkarism is the name of connecting human to human or making human to humanity. Ambedkarism is the name of the movement or efforts being made for the upliftment of human beings based on scientific facts.
Being an Ambedkarite is only meaningful when adopting a human scientific approach and working in the interest of society and humans. It is not Ambedkarism to live a life by listening or adopting conservative views. Today, the so-called Ambedkarites are being born everywhere, but they are not ready to give up their orthodox thinking, whether to date, any human or society has been saved by orthodox thinking, Ambedkarism might not have been born. Before being called an Ambedkarite, it is necessary to abandon conservative views. Scientific facts have to be considered only when Ambedkarite can be called. Ambedkarite is the name of the world's most influential and developed ideology.
There is no such problem in the world that cannot be solved in Ambedkarism.
Following are some important elements about Ambedkarism-
1. In the same birth of liberating human beings suffering from orthodox, exploited inhuman, unscientific, unjust, and inequitable social order, by providing them a freedom of movement, to establish the right relationship between human and human equality like human and human in the ideal society of equality, freedom, fraternity, and justice. These are the revolutionary human litigant ideology called Ambedkarism.
2. By bringing revolutionary changes in the system of caste-class, untouchability, high-caste, female-male, educational system, apartheid, the philosophy that creates a just, equitable, discrimination-free, educational, scientific, rational, and humanistic social system is called Ambedkarism. In Ambedkarism human beings can be freed from orthodox chains in this birth.
3. In order to achieve the ultimate goal of individual development, equality, freedom, fraternity, and justice, this democratic fidelity as the basis of human values, which bring complete social and cultural change philosophy is called Ambedkarism.
4. Ambedkarism is the ideology that transforms the system of high and low, untouchability-based untouchables into a full humanistic system. In such a system, everyone gets development and equal agreement. The simple definition can also be taken in this way, the system is an ambedkarism by changing the non-equal system and creating an equal humanitarian system. Ambedkarism is the idea of human liberation. This is the scientific view, Ambedkarism is the relation of human to humanity. Ambedkarism is the movement launched for Human Dignity. Ambedkarism is the ideology that is the welfare of human beings in this life. Ambedkarism is the path of human welfare.
5. Physical, mental, spiritual, and social upliftment and economic, political, and cultural change can be called Ambedkarism.
6. Ambedkarism is an idea and movement that is against injustice and exploitation and instead replaces a humanist alternative system. It is based on a complete scientific view, Ambedkarism is not only a philosophy of thought but it is a complete movement to bring changes in social, educational, religious, economic, and cultural life.
7. Ambedkarism is an ideology that leads us to humanism. Ambedkarism is to establish humanism by freeing slaves of the system from slavery.
Those who say Ambedkarite, please note that Ambedkarist, nothing will be done by saying this, we will have to get drenched in the color of Ambedkarism and this will be a true tribute to Ambedkar Ji when we follow what he said and Babasaheb Ambedkar's thoughts, this can make our life better for all of us.
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Posted on 16th Aug 2022
Posted on 14th Sep 2022