Open-blue amber, the cover of darkness was removed from the earth and space. As usual, as per the orders of his revered father, the handsome young man reached the bank of the lake. The chirping of the children, the melodious songs of the Bhramars and the invigorating waves of Sameer in the morning infused a glee in him. He descended slowly into the water of the lake with a joyful heart and took a bath. His clothes were wet. Drops of water were dripping from the black hair. Usha was moving towards Prachi, spreading redness in the horizon. He bowed down and bowed towards that east direction. Then worshiping the west, north and south directions and also bowing down to the up direction.
Similarly, at the time of daily worship-bela, one day the great Karunik Tathagata Samyak Sambuddha should come to that side. He felt pity on the ignorance of the young man. They went in front of him and stood calmly. The young man bowed reverently to that great Tejashwi (God). God blessed him and asked- "You worship the directions regularly. Do you know what is the true meaning of this Archana? ,
The young man was silent. He didn't know anything. He looked at God with narrow eyes. Like he wanted to ask God about it. Understanding his feelings, Lord Tathagata explained to him the various elements of different directions and exhorted that “Those elements should be revered. It is better to conduct household chores by behaving according to them (elements).
The young man heard the solemn voice of God's welfare. He was impressed and took refuge in the Triratna. After saying this talk, whatever teachings he listened to, he (he) used to recite it to his mother also.
His wise and virtuous mother used to listen carefully to those teachings and felt satisfaction by making full efforts to follow them. There was a clear principle of Dhamma in the auspicious teachings of the Lord. Influenced by this, the devout mother of that young man aroused a detached feeling for the world and she happily went to the Bhikkhuni-Sangha. There he duly accepted the Kashaya clothes. According to the teachings of the Lord, she started living her life in spiritual practice and modesty.
One day, Sudha, who was situated in the courtyard of Lord Vihar, was providing peace to the knowledge-cravings of the devotees. Everyone's mind was in him. Just then, sitting in front, the mother of the same young man, Sigal, became concentrated in meditation. Seeing the luminous form of the Lord, she was completely engrossed in listening to the sermon. The great Lord saw that his faith had reached the limit. He immediately made him an Arhat and told him the means of attaining the highest position of Arhatva.
At one time in Jetavana Mahavihara, Lord Buddha gave positions to the bhikkhunis according to their merit, then he declared Sigal-Mata as the chief among the devout bhikkhunis because of her unwavering reverence.
This devout bhikkhuni Sigal-Mother was born in an aristocratic family of Rajgriha Nagar. Since childhood, he had immense faith in Lord Buddha. She was a beautiful beauty with qualities like modesty, love, kindness etc. On attaining age, she got married with a virtuous young man from there. As a housewife, she always kept her husband happy with her duties and good behavior. He also used to appreciate such religious Sushila. Laughing happy days passed and she gave birth to a stunning son, who was named "Sigal".
Sigal was the obedient son of his parents. When he was a young man, he used to follow the orders of worship of the directions given by his father. Worship of these directions - In Bela, God explained the secret of Archana and preached to her. Sigal gained a lot of fame as a devout worshiper and his revered mother-in-law became known as "Sigal-Mother".
Later, the revered bhikkhuni Sigal - Mata, experiencing her previous birth, said that she had taken birth in the city of Hemavati in her previous life. He had an extraordinary reverence for Lord Padmottara Buddha. She used to go to the monastery and consider herself blessed after hearing the sermon. One day, after a sermon in the monastery, Lord Padmaottara gave the position to the bhikkhus and bhikkhunis according to their qualifications. He gave the first place to a devout bhikkhuni among the revered bhikkhunis. They also yearned that in the second birth also I would get the same great position.
In the time of Lord Gautam Buddha, he was born in a noble family and his desire for birth was fulfilled. Mahakarunik Lord Gautam Buddha gave him a prominent place among the devout bhikkhunis. Blessed was that Nariratna Sigal - the mother who went in the shelter of the Triratna and became grateful by attaining the great position of Shraddhavati Bhikkhuni and Arhatva.
Posted on 17th Aug 2022
Posted on 14th Sep 2022