That golden day in history, when the courage of a 21-year-old Indian girl blew the senses of the British. At the same time, this girl also shook the root of the orthodox thinking that wielding weapons is only for men. This 21 year old girl was Bina Das.
Bina was of a revolutionary nature since childhood. After her schooling, she joined Chhatri Sangh (Women's Students Union). In the Sangh, all the girl students were taught to use sticks, swords, as well as to ride a bicycle and a car. During the boycott of Simon Commission, Bina along with some other girl students of her class staged a dharna at the gate of her college. She also attended the Congress session as a volunteer. After this she came in contact with the revolutionaries of 'Yugantar' party.
Bina Das to B. A . After completing the examination, he had to take his degree in the convocation ceremony. In those days, the Governor of Bengal, Jackson was to distribute degrees to the students of Calcutta University at the convocation ceremony. Bina, after talking to her colleagues, decided that while receiving her degree, she would target the Governor of Bengal who had given the convocation because "the Governor of Bengal represents the system that has put my 300 million countrymen in the chains of slavery." It's stuck." And she wanted to shake this system by killing the governor.
As Jackson began to deliver his speech at the ceremony, Bina rose to the gathering and opened fire on the governor. But Bina missed the target and the bullet went through Jackson's ear. The sound of bullets created panic in the meeting. In this, Lieutenant Colonel Suhrawardy ran and smothered Bina with one hand and with the other hand made her towards the ceiling of the hall holding the wrist of the pistol. Despite this, Bina kept on firing bullets one after the other. He fired five shots in total. Bina was immediately arrested by the British police.
Bina Das was tried and sentenced to nine years' rigorous imprisonment. During the trial, a lot of pressure was put on him to spell out the names of his comrades, but he did not budge. She said during the trial, "I admit that I shot the governor on the day of the final convocation in the Senate House. I hold myself fully responsible for it. If my matri destinies is death, I will make sense of it." I want to fight against the autocratic system of government which has committed countless atrocities on my country and countrymen.
Such was the power of these countrymen that they used to do what they decided to do. All the persecutions were endured on their own, but they did not put their comrades and countrymen in trouble.
Posted on 14th Sep 2022
Posted on 16th Aug 2022