A revolutionary who had no shortage, but he rejected the luxury and chose the revolutionary path of freedom for freedom. Writers, thinkers, organisers, theorists, propagandists of many movements and despite being involved in many revolutionary activities from Kakori to Lahore, he was never caught by the police nor was he sentenced by any court. This great fighter was Bhagwati Charan Vohra who started a revolutionary party like 'Naujawan Bharat Sabha'. Courage and patriotism were so deep inside him that he planned to kill the then Viceroy Lord Irwin by bombing the train and also succeeded in detonating the train; But the Viceroy survived.
Bhagwati Charan Vohra never stopped her participation in the freedom struggle for fear of being caught and remained devoted till her last breath towards the goal of freeing the country. Once he planned that when all three would be taken from Lahore jail to court for the hearing of the death sentence awarded to Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru in the Lahore Conspiracy Case, at that time all three should be rescued by a sudden attack. All three were taken to court amid tight security, so this attack required better technology and more powerful bombs.
Vohra was an expert in making bombs and he also made new bombs. They test the bomb before freeing Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev by attacking the police force but it fails. Vohra was martyred. Such was the passion of patriotism that even while dying, he did not feel sad about his death, the sadness was that his martyrdom could not help in saving his friends Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev from the gallows, for whom they used this bomb. were testing.
Posted on 18th Aug 2022
Posted on 13th Sep 2022
Posted on 14th Sep 2022