Utpalvarna - Life History

By Manoj Bhiva | Posted on 21st Jan 2022 | Biography

As soon as he regained consciousness, the qualities, form and gentleness gave him uniqueness, but his heartfelt aspiration attracted him towards the Triratna-sharan with knowledge, detachment. Had she been in worldly bondage, she would have received royalty, luxury equipment, prasad and slaves, but she brought herself into the religious realm and fulfilled the promise of birth after birth to become a Riddhimati bhikkhuni. At the behest of her mother-in-law's parents, those who happily joined the Bhikkhuni-Sangha and took the process, her name was Utpalvarna.

Riddhimati Bhikkhuni Utpalvarna (Uppalvarna) was born in the house of the treasurer of Sravasti. Her complexion was bright like a blue-lotus, hence she was given the name of Utpalvarna. Along with physical beauty, his qualities started increasing day by day. The discussion of his form became a matter of attraction for the youth of the time. In the first phase of puberty, messages of many eminent sons and princes started coming for their culmination; All of whom were more than one splendor and powerful. To please everyone was beyond the power of their parents. Had Sundari Utpalvarna been married to one person, all the rest would have been angry and harmed her parents. In such a difficult situation, Sundari's father became very worried. Seeing the father worried, the beautiful Utpalvarna said- "Tat! why are you sad ,

Her father, hiding his heartfelt anguish, replied- "Daughter! Many princes and superior sons want to make you their bestie, but how can I satisfy everyone. If I marry you to one person, all the rest will quarrel. I have thought….” He could not say anything beyond this, his throat became tight. ,

Utpalvarna said in a serious voice- “Say it! Your creation is presented to do everything. The father said - "Daughter, how much love I have for you, but the circumstance has compelled me to say that you can be free from these troubles by taking Pravrajya (sannyasa). The dear daughter thought of the misfortune of her parents. The femininity and excellent education of the Indian woman, earned by the past times, gave courage to Kumari Taruni. His cheerful voice was - "This is my duty, tat! I will consider myself blessed by taking Pravrajya. “The family members bid farewell to the beautiful Utpalvarna with wet eyes and the quality Utpalvarna, free from attachment and illusion, took the process of going to the Bhikkhuni-Sangha in the auspicious time. After some time he got sub-sampada. There he studied religion. Did sadhna for modesty wealth and samadhi. Every full moon and new moon day, she used to reverently clean the shrine and sit in front of a lit lamp and become engrossed in meditation, then recite 'Pratimoksh'.

Gradually, by editing Pragya, he attained Arhatva. She also became proficient in Riddhi-siddhis. Once upon a time, the Mahakarunik Tathagata, by mixing two things (who had different qualities and forms) together, showed a great power. The venerable Utpalvarna saw everything like a charm and cried in a joyous voice - "Dev! This refuge of yours will also show a miracle. "He also performed miracles after getting the order.

While preaching in front of the Sangh in Jetavanaram, Shasta one day gave posts to all the bhikkhunis according to their qualifications. By remembering his lion's sound, the Lord gave Utpalvarna the best position of Riddhimati Bhikkhuni. Birth after birth of Bhikkuni Utpalvarna was fulfilled. He had done a lot of charity in his previous birth and also worshiped God. As a result of that, he got quick knowledge. 

Mar made many attempts to deviate him from the path, but could not win over him. Once she was meditating sitting in Shalvan, then Mara came and started her deceit. The tales he told at that time, being a symbol of his scholarship, are present in Pali literature even today.

Mar said - "You are sitting in the shade of a flowering tree. Do you have no fear?"

Utpalvarna replied seriously- "If thousands of wicked or cunning people come like you, they cannot touch me, then what courage of yours, who can do anything. Mar said again - "I will enter your body by becoming invisible, you will not even be able to see it." Utpalvarna had the same serious voice - "My mind is under my control, I am full of yogic siddhis. I am the seer of the six knowledges. I have completed the rule of Lord Buddha. Lust-cravings cause misery, which you call bliss. I have destroyed the darkness of lust and ignorance. You understand that your end is over for me. ,

Elsewhere, having attained merit, he has said in the form of Udan – “I remembered my previous births. But - Chitta - Vijnan knowledge was obtained. The audience senses and the divine eye were purified. There was annihilation of the impurities of the mind and I realized Yogasiddhi. Having attained the six superior knowledge, I completed the Buddha-rule. I worshiped the lotus feet of Vishwa Guru 'Lord Buddha'. 

Manoj Bhiva
Manoj Bhiva
Manoj Bhiva is a dedicated writer who loves to write on any subject. Manoj Bhiva maintains a similar hold on politics, entertainment, health, abroad articles. Manoj Bhiva has total experience of 3 years in web and Social. Manoj Bhiva works as a writer in Wordict Post.
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