
By Manoj Bhiva | Posted on 27th Jan 2022 | Biography

Sukumari daughter Vishakha, who was a millionaire of Saket Nagar, Seth Dhananjay, was married to Purnavardhan, the son of a wealthy man named Migar Shresthi of Shravasti. Amidst the melodious sound of the shehnai and the auspicious songs, the newlyweds (Vishakha), decorated with jewels, were sent off by her parents. Vishakha, drenched in tears, listened to the ten teachings of her father and promised to follow them. Shresthi Dhananjay's heart broke, he blessed the daughter with all his heart, but did not listen to her and went to Shravasti with Visakha and Purnavardhan. There, after making full arrangements for the happiness of the girl, he came back to Saket. Vishakha's in-laws' house was full of great wealth, yet she did not listen to her father's love, that is why she had arranged for her beloved daughter not to suffer much.

The woman of Shravasti who saw the newly married Vishakha was mesmerized by her decency and beauty. With shame, if she touched the feet of the aged, beautiful body, bountiful hair, unmatched aura situated on a raised head, a bride with beautiful eyes, covered with kankanmay henna, she would have said unabashedly – ​​“Stay proud, Sulaksane! ,

The mother-in-law heard the praise of the bride, she was pleased. Her husband heard the description of the beauty and qualities of his beloved, took pride in his achievement and his choice. On the occasion of this auspicious festival, the wealthy Shresthi invited the Nigranth Shramana Sangh (Jain Sadhus) to donate food. Agaru - Migar Shresthi respectfully placed the Shramans on beautiful rugs in the incense-scented room and satisfied them by feeding them with Payas (Kheer) etc. Since childhood, Visakha had great faith in the great god Tathagata and his worthy bhikkhusangh. He also heard that food has been donated to the Shramans; So she was very happy. Then his father-in-law said - "Even the bride and the queen should worship the Arhats. ,

The bride Vishakha knew that Buddhist bhikkhus were called Arhats. Therefore, listening to the order of her father-in-law, she was very happy and she walked slowly towards the guest room, adorned with gems and beautiful clothes, being revered. As soon as he stepped on the door, he saw through the oat of his thin veil (veil), the Nigranth (naked) sadhus. Her feet stung, she could not move, she thought that there would be kashaya-chivered bhikkhus but.....

The father-in-law understood that the shameful bride is not moving forward with shame, but how is she ashamed of the Shramans? He said in a soft voice- "Come daughter! Take blessings from Shramans. ,

With slender white fingers, he picked up the flimsy lameness lying on his face. In place of the newlyweds' shame, there was a disregard, as well as the feeling of humiliation, she said in a serious voice - "Arya! What do you say? Should I go among naked people? Your daughter-in-law is not so shameless, sorry, tat!" She soon ran back to her room. His body shook! She started thinking- "Ain such a house. How will he survive? ,

The nirgatha sadhus heard it, they trembled with anger. Abandoning modesty and kindness, he said in a loud voice- “Shresthi, we are so insulted? Have you found this woman (son-bride) in the world? Its audacity is unforgivable. ,

Shrestha apologized to the naive, mindless young girl by telling her the arrogance and promised to understand and extinguish Visakha in every way in future. After they left, Shresthi himself sat down to eat. The bride Vishakha started fanning him by serving him food. Just then a bhikkhus wearing a kashay chiver came to the door, stayed for a few moments and started leaving. Shresthi looked at him and kept on eating with his face turned away. The faithful Visakha understood that her father-in-law would give her some orders so that she could go and donate, but seeing them in silence, she herself said - "Bhante! My father-in-law is eating stale food, you should go elsewhere. ,

Shresthi Migar heard that he was already angry with Visakha, now his anger was out of bounds. He slid the plate in anger and said in a stern voice- "Get out of my house, Durvinite! You are not ashamed of insulting me, hoarse, frantic. The servants and maidservants also heard the loud voice of the Grihapati, they also entered the room. Then Shrestha ordered him - "Get out immediately, remove this mischief from my house."

Vishakha was already saddened by the disbelief of her father-in-law towards the Shramans, a symbol of her reverence. His self-esteem rose. He said in a serious voice – Arya! I am not the servant of your purchase. I am your son's parineeta. I am your daughter-in-law. I also have a right in this house. No one can take away my innocent from here. Then my father has told the eight householders. They do justice in such times. if they

If you declare me a criminal, then I will leave this house and go on my own forever. You accepted it too, Arya! Shresthi heard his proper answer, he became somewhat calm. He called those nobles and said to them- "This bride keeps insulting me again and again. I was having a meal of freshly made kheer. He told me to eat stale food in front of a bhikkhu. The eight nobles asked her- "Daughter! Why did you say this to your respected father-in-law? Vishakha said humbly in a calm voice - "Aryans! My father-in-law was sitting contented only on old virtue. They did not want to get new virtue by donating to the Shramana who had come to the door. That's why I said they are eating stale food. Everyone listened and satisfied and said to Migar Shresthi- "The bride has not committed any such crime. Then how can we punish it? ,

On this Migar Shresthi said again - "It is not knowing what its father has taught it and it is becoming very arrogant by taking arbitrary meanings." -

The nobles again asked her - "Daughter! Can you explain those teachings to us too? ,

Visakha accepted and said- “I follow the ten teachings my father has given me. they are -

Do not bring out the inner fire. That is, if someone criticizes mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law etc.

The second instruction is - don't bring the outside fire inside. That is, do not bring the sufferings of others into your home.

The third instruction is that whatever is taken from the person should be returned to him at a given time

Fourthly, the person from whom he takes a thing should not return the other and return it.

The fifth education is, dear people, if they are poor, then give them the things they need as much as they can.

According to the sixth education, it is the duty of the housewife to make everyone eat food and then eat it herself.

The seventh education is, everyone should take rest after sleeping, this is the seventh education.

Eighth education is to sit in such a place where no one is inconvenienced, when no one asks to get up again and again. This is the meaning of eighth education.

Ninth education is that it is the duty of the wife to look after the husband with complete devotion, just as Brahmins take care of the fire.

And the tenth education is to consider mother-in-law and father-in-law etc. as a home-god and take care of their service and happiness.

Aryans! I follow them sincerely. "The Ashtakulins were very happy to hear Visakha's answer. He said to Shresthi - "It is indecent to be angry at such a home Lakshmi and to cause pain to her."

Migar Shresthi realized his mistake. He said- "Bride! I'm sorry . "Shilvati bride Vishakha said in a persuasive voice - Arya! You are my worshipper. How do you apologize to me? But you have reverence for the scriptures and I for the Buddhist shramanas; This will always cause confusion. I have to suffer a lot, so if you can make some arrangements for it, it will be fine. ,

On this Migar Shresthi gave his approval to give charity to Buddhist bhikkhus. He explained to the Nigrants that he would also please them with charity. The Nirgrathas completely told him that "If Visakha sees the Buddha, then let him do it, but you do not see that elusive. Always stay away from him. He is very proficient in turning the mind of innocent people. ,

On the orders of father-in-law, Sulakshana bride Visakha reverently invited Lord Tathagata Samyak Sambuddha and Bhikkhusangh for food one day. He accepted and went to Visakha's house with his bhikkhusangh. Vishakha herself, along with her friends, reverently made them sit on proper rugs and made arrangements to donate food, listen to the sermons with reverence.

At the invitation of Shresthi Vadhu (Vishakha), many men and women of Shravasti gathered to listen to the sermons. After his repeated requests, his father-in-law also agreed to listen to the sermons, but he sat under the veil to avoid seeing Lord Buddha as per the scriptures.

On the request of Vishakha, the great god Tathagata started to pacify the knowledge-craving of the people with his sermon- nectar. The devotees were listening in awe. Migar Shresthi also became reverent. The cover of darkness was removed from his intellect. He repented how ignorant he was who had kept himself away from the darshan of the deity who had come to his home. He tossed the veil and fell at the feet of the Lord and said, "Dev! I'm sorry . Today my eyes opened. The darkness dissipated. I also take refuge in the Triratna (Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha). ,

God assured him with his compassion. Migar Shresthi found some peace. He requested about his modest bride - "God! It is because of this revered woman-gem that I got this opportunity today. From today onwards she is the mother of my Dhamma. "By virtue of the bride, the father-in-law also became a wanderer on the path of welfare of God. Blessed is that virtuous bride Visakha.

The men and women of Shravasti had full faith in him. She became famous from that day by the name of 'Migarmata'. At one time he had prayed to Lord Buddha by donating food, clothes, medicine etc. to the Bhikkhusangh - "Bhante! I ask God for some boon. ,

"Vishake! Tathagata is beyond blessings. ,

"Bhante! They are innocent and just. ,

"Speak Vishake! ,

"Bhante! ,

1. I want to give a rain lungi (vassik sati) to the Sangh for the rest of my life.

2. I want to give food to the visiting bhikkhus for the rest of my life.

3. I also want to give food for the rest of my life to the bhikkhus going on a journey.

4. I want to donate food to sick bhikkhus for the rest of my life.

5. Food for the rest of life also to the people who serve the sick bhikkhus. I want to give

6. I want to give medicine to the sick bhikkhus for the rest of my life.

7. Always I want to give Yavagu (Kanji).

8. And I want to give udak sati (Rummati's robe) to the Bhikkhuni Sangha. ,

The Lord happily granted these eight boons asked by Vishakha. How these brides were perfect and useful for Buddha's rule. Only a virtuous and devout worshiper like Visakha could have asked for such great eight blessings from Tathagata.

Vishakha's father-in-law, with her inspiration, got a grand palace built in the beautiful garden named Poorvaram and donated it to the Lord and the Bhikkhusangh. Due to its location in the east direction from the Vihara "Migarmata-Prasad" and Jetavan Vihar, it was the residence of the Sangh by the name of Poorvaram (Pubbaram).

Now that palace has been destroyed, but the story of the devotion and charity of Migarmata i.e. bride-Vishakha is still spreading like a fragrant flower in Pali literature.

Manoj Bhiva
Manoj Bhiva
Manoj Bhiva is a dedicated writer who loves to write on any subject. Manoj Bhiva maintains a similar hold on politics, entertainment, health, abroad articles. Manoj Bhiva has total experience of 3 years in web and Social. Manoj Bhiva works as a writer in Wordict Post.
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