Such a brave general who with great bravery and cunning saved the British army many times. Subedar General Bakht Khan was the head of British artillery for 40 years in the army of the East India Company. When there was a rebellion against the British in 1857, General Bakht Khan thought it better to uproot the roots of the British rule than to fire cannon at his countrymen. He kicked his job and joined the rebel army and took command.
General Bakht Khan played the role of Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Rebel Forces in the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. General Bakht Khan always used new methods to defeat his enemies, due to which the enemies could not even guess his next move.
In order to inflict maximum damage on the British in the revolt of 1857, Bakht Khan sent his soldiers to their camp wearing the dress of the British army, which confused the British. Taking advantage of this, Bakht Khan also entered the British camp and robbed them of their weapons by defeating them badly. Once Bakht Khan snatched 300 horses of the British by doing such a trick and the British did not even know.
Today, when a person turns 60, he retires and lives a life of comfort, but this 63-year-old brave general considered it better to sacrifice his life for the country by rejecting his life of comfort.
Posted on 14th Sep 2022