The free air we are breathing today, our country did not get this freedom so easily. Many great revolutionaries have made an incomparable contribution for the independence of the country. The revolutionaries have watered the freedom movements of the country with their blood. One such great patriotic revolutionary was Surya Sen, who was subjected to unbearable torture by the British. Suryasen, who became an immortal hero in the freedom movement, made the British so happy on many occasions that other revolutionaries and freedom fighters started remembering Surya Sen as 'The Hero of Chittagong'.
People used to call this hero of Bengal, who was a teacher by profession, as 'Master Da'. In 1930, the leader of the 'Chittagong Army Raid', Master Suryasen, gave a direct challenge to the British government. Together with his comrades, he had taken Chittagong out of the purview of the British rule and unfurled the Indian flag. He destroyed the communication system of the English government with Chittagong, destroying the communication and information media like railways, post and telegraph.
Master Da organized the youth and captured the Sainik Army of Chittagong. This was the biggest success for him which shook the British government. He continued to stun the British government with his bold deeds. In many such incidents between 1930 and 1932, he along with his associates killed 22 British officers. During this, Master Suryasen also faced many crises.
Money and weapons were needed to carry forward the revolution and take on the British. Seeing its lack, he decided to wage a Gutilla war with the British government. They looted the Treasury Office of the Assam-Bengal Railway in Chittagong on 23rd December 1923 in broad daylight.
Eventually Master Da was caught, but the British government was so afraid of him that he was hanged in a state of unconsciousness. The story of British oppression was not only that. He gave many inhuman tortures before hanging Suryasen to the noose. But 'Master Da' suffered it all laughing for the motherland.
Posted on 13th Sep 2022
Posted on 15th Aug 2022