
By Manoj Bhiva | Posted on 27th Jan 2022 | Biography

Who had great faith in the three jewels - Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha. On the strength of faith and service, the one who had attained the highest position among the worshipers who performed service and praise. The name of one such woman of Varanasi was Supriya (Pali = Supiya).

She was born in an affluent house in the city of Hansavati during the time of Padmaottara Buddha (every Buddha). She lived a life of modesty and charity. Being a polymath, he used to feel very happy to hear and follow the Dhamma talks. One day she was listening to the sermons of the Shasta Padmottara Buddha. After listening to the sermon, Shasta praised the excellent service of a Soumyavati worshiper and gave her the best position among the worshipers who serve the sick. The head of that serious worshipper fell in reverence. He bowed down at the feet of the Lord and worshiped. All other worshipers understood the importance of service. The reverent Supriya also saw, understood and meditated a lot. Her inner wish was, “If she too could achieve such a high position, it would have been a matter of great pride for her. “She kept the desire for that great position in her mind, worshiped Lord Padmasottara Buddha and moved towards the path of spiritual practice.

Getting entangled in the cycles of movement, Supriya was born in Varanasi during the time of Lord Gautam Buddha. Interested in the Dhamma from an early age, Supriya became proficient in homely teachings and was married to an affluent, aristocratic householder from Varanasi. Due to the good deeds of previous births, Supriya's mind was more towards Dhamma-Shravan. She did not tell lies, did not keep words, nor did she indulge in violence. Living in a pure, sattvik life, the service of the people was the goal of that worshipper.

When Lord Buddha went to Varanasi with Bhikkhusangha, listening to his auspicious teachings, many men and women used to reach his refuge to make their life successful. Shilavati Supriya also went to see the Lord and worshiped him and listened to his welfare teachings, in which she was established in the source of fruit.

She regularly went to the monastery and felt contented by listening to the Dhamma. Charity and service were the main tasks of his life. One day while traveling she went from one monastery to another. In another monastery he saw that a bhikkhu was suffering due to illness. The merciful worshiper worshiped him and asked in soft words – “Arya! Can this worshiper get the opportunity of service? ,

"Come on Arya! What do you want ? ,

The bhikkhu said - "Worshippers! Need juice. ,

Supriya gladly accepted and promised to send the juice, she returned to her abode. The next morning he gave some currency and sent his maid to buy some meat. The maid came asking in all the shops of the city but she could not find meat anywhere because all the violence houses in the city were closed on that day. He told this to his mistress Supriya. Hearing this, Supriya got worried because she had given the promise and that too to a sick bhikkhu. She decided that she would definitely send the juice, no matter what. Arya will be sad if he does not get the juice. Thinking this she went to her room and with a sharp skewer she boldly cut the flesh of her tender thigh. After that, while giving the meat to the maid in a normal posture, she said, "Prepare the juice by cooking it properly." She herself was unable to go to the monastery. After the juice was made, she said to the maid- " - " Servant! This juice is in the monastery. Take it and give it to Arya, if they ask, tell them, she is sick.

Seeing the maid leaving alone with something, Shasta became aware of Supriya's unique service. Mahakarunik's compassion was poured out on that service and devotion. Shasta compassionately himself came to Supriya's door while offering alms with the bhikkhusangh. Supriya heard it, she was giddy with gaiety and reverence. She said to her husband- "Aryan son! Shasta is coming to our place and take care of him with respect. I can't go to them. ,

Her husband bowed down and made the Lord and the bhikkhusangh seated on the proper best rugs. Shasta said in a calm voice - ' - "Where is Supriya? ,

Her husband's humble voice was - "Dev? She is sick." Shasta's same loving order was - "Grihapati! Call her." Supriya heard, Mahakarunik himself is asking her skill. Calling her. She was devastated. , she understood that all the welfare could not be called for no reason. She got up. She saw that her wound had healed. The thigh had become more beautiful than before. She was completely healed with wisdom. Her happiness knew no bounds. She With a joyful heart, she bowed to the Lord and his huge bhikkhusangh by placing his head at his feet. After worshiping, she sat on one side with a calm mind.

Emotional Supriya, listening to the loving speech of Lord Buddha, told everything truthfully. Accepting the food donation dedicated by him and blessing him, Shasta went to the monastery along with the bhikkhusangh. There, in front of a huge bhikkhus, he explained to that bhikkhu about his painful order and ordered never to do such a deplorable act in future.

Later, after giving sermons in life, the Lord praised Supriya's service in front of the Bhikkhusangh and bestowed her the best position among the patient worshipers. Supriya's longing after birth was fulfilled.

Today the worshiper Supriya is not with us but

Manoj Bhiva
Manoj Bhiva
Manoj Bhiva is a dedicated writer who loves to write on any subject. Manoj Bhiva maintains a similar hold on politics, entertainment, health, abroad articles. Manoj Bhiva has total experience of 3 years in web and Social. Manoj Bhiva works as a writer in Wordict Post.
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